Tight shoulders and neck??

Jun 24, 2019

🚘Stuck in a car, driving all day?

@fithaus.io is a fitness trainer and entrepreneur who hustles day in, day out. Lately he’s been lifting heavy and sitting in a car nonstop. His hips are stuck in an anterior tilt and his spine is stiff and immobile. Can you guess how wound up how’s shoulders and neck are like?

Our downtown therapist Nicole spent the session assessing and stretching around his pelvis, spine and neck. He came in feeling tension in his low back, hip flexors, and shoulders. After his session he felt loose, aware and pain free. Nicole has a background in massage therapy and incorporated some soft tissue work.

❓Should we show his before and after, and testimonial?! Yay or nay?


50% Complete

A proper “warm-up” routine is important to reduce the risk of injury, and to ensure the proper muscles are firing for the main workout.

This complete guide offers effective and efficient ways to “warm-up” and activate the body properly and safely.